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Compliance and relationships: when to ask a lawyer for help?

Which new developments in labour law are important to be aware of this year? Can managers truly use outside specialists to replace HR departments? What part does outside legal advice play in resolving disputes and maintaining compliance?

Internal HR departments are essential to the development of strong, well-run businesses when they collaborate with outside legal counsel. Legal expertise is not the sole factor that determines how successful outside attorneys are. It is necessary to have a thorough awareness of the organisation, inner workings, and special relationships within the company.
Respecting labour laws entails more than just adhering to strict guidelines. It is about preserving the business’s good name, lowering legal risks, and encouraging an equitable and inclusive work environment. We frequently create policies that will make it possible to accomplish objectives in collaboration with internal specialists. This results in more successful legal tactics that fit the particular requirements of the company.

It is expected of the HR department to develop a plan that not only guarantees adherence to labour laws but also encourages socially conscious behaviour, inclusivity, and the personal and professional development of staff members.

We address these issues in the article you may access by clicking the link Skladnost in odnosi: kdaj za pomoč prositi pravnika? – Jadek & Pensa (jadek-pensa.si)


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