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Law Career, News

The end of student internships for the members of the winning team at the Legal Solution 2018 competition

Between July and September, the members of the winning team at the Legal Solution 2018 competition, which was held in April of this year, did their student internships at Jadek & Pensa. Iva Ramuš, Timotej Kotnik Jesih and Nejc Humar, all students at the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana, who each spent a month in our firm, were able to gain a good insight into the work of our firm and obtain important practical experience.

This year, Jadek & Pensa has again participated in the national student competition Legal Solution (Prav(n)a rešitev), held under the auspices of the Geneva Club (Ženevski klub). At the competition, teams of three students seek to solve cases from the field of business law, drafted by five distinguished law firms in Slovenia. The first stage of this year’s competition, where 35 teams participated, was held on 13 April, and the main part of the competition, where the best 15 teams competed, was held on 20 and 21 April at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.

The teams competing for victory in the competition and student internships at Jadek & Pensa had to analyse a case from the area of business law and prepare written answers to several questions. Afterwards, they had to defend their answers before the commission comprised of Partner Aleksandra Jemc Merc, Senior Associate Nastja Merlak, LL.M., and Junior Associate Žiga Urankar, LL.M. The members of the teams had to apply the rules on takeover bids, concerted practices of shareholders, actions against shareholders’ resolutions, directors’ liability and actions to exclude an owner of a share from a company.

The best team in solving the complex case was Ramuš, Humar & Kotnik, comprised of Iva Ramuš, Timotej Kotnik Jesih and Nejc Humar. As the winners of the competition, they earned one-month student internships in our firm, which took place between July and September of this year.

After ending their internships, they were also invited to attend a lecture on Intellectual Property Law, held by Partner Eva Gostiša, which was one of the regular lectures organized by our firm for Junior Associates.

Jadek & Pensa is happy to participate in the Legal Solution competition and other events that aid towards legal education of future lawyers and offer them an insight into the work in our profession. We hereby wish to congratulate again the members of the winning team in the Legal Solution 2018 competition and thank them for the great work they have done during their internships in the firm.

Managing Associate

Jadek & Pensa