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Family Business - Publications And Education, News

Seminar: How to better manage family businesses – Well-managed employee relations enable business growth and development

We would like to invite you to the second in a series of training courses that Jadek & Pensa is organising in cooperation with the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

The next seminar in the series of training courses organised in cooperation with the Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia will take place on 21 February 2023.

While the introductory seminar focused on (property and interpersonal) relationships between family members in a company, this time we will focus on the regulation of relationships with employees.

We know that finding the right staff is always a challenge, and that every new job brings additional responsibility. It’s not easy to find the perfect person for a role, but at the same time a perfect fit for the unique business needs and culture of the company. And once you find that person… How do you ensure they stay?

Recruitment is undoubtedly a responsible and demanding activity that often poses a challenge or even a problem for companies – but it is much easier if you are aware of the options and tools to recruit the right way. This will be covered in the lecture by the head of our employment law team, lawyer Iris Pensa, and lawyer Gregor Kovačič.

Another topic of great importance for companies, which we will address in the upcoming seminar, is intellectual property.

Many family businesses are characterised by innovation, and intellectual property represents the added value that a company creates – but only if it is properly protected and managed, as our IP expert, lawyer Eva Gostiša, will discuss.

The seminar will conclude with a lecture on challenging leadership conversations in the workplace.

The “How to Better Manage Family Businesses” seminars are based on our extensive experience in providing a wide range of legal services to family (and other) businesses of different sizes, sectors and stages of development.

We have prepared comprehensive, content-rich and practical training events, designed with your needs and the specificities of family businesses in mind.

However, to ensure that no question relevant to you is left unanswered, we invite you to send your questions in advance of the seminar to by 12 noon on 20 February 2023. Of course, you will also have the opportunity to ask questions at the seminar itself.

We look forward to your company. You are cordially invited!

You can attend the seminar in person or online.



Managing Associate

Jadek & Pensa