Iris Pensa



  • Chambers Europe Iris Pensa
  • Legal 500 - Recommended lawyer

The best choice in Slovenia for all employment law issues, including intervention legislation related to the new coronavirus epidemic. Insightful, precise, with excellent knowledge of the field, understanding of the circumstances in which employers operate, extremely fast, responsive, yet reliable and professional.

Legal 500 (2022)

'proactive with excellent writing and legal skills.'

Chambers Europe (2022; Employment)
Iris Pensa是管理律师和协调员。她专门研究人权法和劳动法领域。她负责按照联合国全球契约的十项原则行事,涉及人权,劳工标准,环境,透明度和反腐败等领域,她在为客户提供的所有服务和建议中都谨记这一点。 Iris还是所有可能事务的主要联系人,涉及到公司可能会无偿处理的单个事务的情况下。


英语, 塞尔维亚语, 克罗地亚语, 西班牙语, 法语