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News 10.09.2018

Trust placed in J&P at BTT elections

On 5 September 2018, the elections for positions tendered within the Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia were completed. Aljaž Jadek and Domen Romih from J&P NewTech Team were successful at the elections. Aljaž was elected to the management board of the association and as the head of the working group on regulation and Domen was elected as the head of the working group on taxes. They would both like to thank their supporters for the trust shown.

Within the operation of the Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia association Aljaž and Domen will strive to promote at different levels (legal) solutions and regulatory environment which on one hand will not inhibit the development of blockchain technology and on the other hand will be safe and friendly to companies and consumers. Aljaž and Domen will have an excellent opportunity to share in different ways through their activity within Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia the knowledge and experience gained with market operators.

The successful election of the members of J&P NewTech Team will contribute also to meeting the objectives that were set upon the establishment of J&P NewTech Team, as this way they will be able to monitor even more closely the development of technology, while by promoting positive legal environment they will help to overcome the legal barriers towards full digitalisation and implementation of this technology.

We would also like to mention as a matter of interest that the elections of Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia took place electronically by using the blockchain technology. The advantage of such voting is particularly faster vote count and prevention of errors in counting and falsifying votes. Blockchain technology was used in such manner that the data of each vote cast was recorded through the hash function on Bitoin, Ethereum and Ethereum Classic blockchain. However, what is most important, the use of such technology did not complicate the elections for the voter, as the elections took place on the usual website. As was put down by the designers of this system, such solution is not final, it is more than anything pioneer testing and promotion of further research and development of blockchain technology.

We look forward to new work challenges.


Jadek & Pensa